Playtime Guidelines to Remember

What to Expect

First Day at Playtime Swim School

  • Please join us 15 minutes prior to your class time on the first day. Check-in via front desk, online, or app, and allow us to ensure all of your account registration information is complete.
  • We will show you around and give you and your swimmer a minute to acclimate to the new swim school.
  • One of our instructors will gather students for class just a few minutes prior to their lesson start time.
  • Have your swimmer use the restroom before their lesson.
  • One of our instructors will gather students for class just a few minutes prior to their lesson start time.
  • Once you are acclimated with your routine, arriving 5-10 minutes before the swim lesson seems to work for most families.
  • **We ask for the parent or caregiver to remain on the premises during the swim lesson**

What Your Swimmer Needs

We ask all swimmers to bring for every lesson:
  • Swimwear
  • Swim cap (swim caps help keep swimmer's hair out of way and keep goggles on)
  • Goggles
  • Towel
  • Disposable Diaper **
  • Reusable Diaper **
  • **All swimmers under the age of 3 years, (and those who are not fully potty trained) must wear a reusable diaper in addition to a disposable swim diaper**
Makeup Lesson Policy

Catch Up with Makeup Lessons

We understand an occurrence can happen and your swimmer may miss their swim lesson. Makeup lesson is offered. Please follow our guidelines below to ensure that your swimmer will receive their free makeup lesson.
Cancellation and be done 24 hours prior to swim lesson via:
  • Parent portal
  • Over the phone
  • In person
Please note the following when seeking a makeup lesson:
  • A fee of $25.00 will be charged and billed to your account for cancellations made after 24hrs., and the lesson will not qualify for makeup
  • Missed swim lesson without notification will not qualify for make up
If guidelines are met and your swimmer is currently enrolled with Playtime Swim School, we will provide each swimmer up to 1 FREE makeup per month. The makeup lesson will be booked up to 7 days in advance and based on open availability. It is not guaranteed that your child will receive a time, day, or specific instructor.
Please do not save your makeup lesson until last minute as we cannot guarantee your lesson will be made up.
Missing a makeup lesson WILL NOT allow for another makeup. Instead, it will be forfeited.
Makeup lessons do not rollover to future enrollment, do not have a cash value, and are not transferrable to other swimmers.
Terms and Conditions

Understanding the Playtime Policy

  • A $50.00 non-refundable registration fee is due for each swimmer upon enrollment. Please understand that when you enroll your swimmer(s) in our program, you are reserving a slot in a program that is in high demand and could be filled by other students.
Annual Fee
  • An annual registration fee will be billed in the month of your registration anniversary and is not refundable or transferrable for any reason.
Monthly Fee
  • The monthly swim lesson fee will automatically be charged and processed from the form of payment on file for your account.
Sibling Discount
  • For 2 or more siblings that enroll, we offer $10.00 off per child per month.
  • If for any reason you decide to withdrawal your swimmer from Playtime Swim School, we ask for a 30-day cancellation notice via the parent portal/app, phone, or in person.
Method of Payment
  • Electronic payments are the only payment method accepted by Playtime Swim School. Electronic payments include credit cards and debit cards. You are responsible for making sure your method of payment remains current and valid. If for any reason your method of payment lapses and we are unable to collect payment from you, you and your swimmer(s) may be withdrawn from classes at Playtime Swim School.
Still have questions?
Reach Out to Our Team
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