woman in black and white bikini swimming on pool during daytimeby Johanna Steppan

adult program

Join Our Adult Program
No matter how old you are, it's never too late to learn how to swim. Developing the swimming skills you need to feel safe and comfortable around the water is possible. Whether you want to overcome a longtime fear, learn the foundations of water safety, or perfect your stroke technique, we can help. Our Adult Program is the same system designed for our Learn to Swim Program, but tailored to adults and designed to suit each individual (Students age 16+).
Classes offered:
Tuesday & Thursday: 7:30pm - 8:00pm
Saturday: 12:00pm - 12:30pm
1 Day/Week
25 Minute Lessons
Students 16+
4:1 Student/Instructor Ratio
4 Lessons A Month
$25 Annual Registration Fee
3 Days/Week
25 Minute Lessons
Students 16+
4:1 Student/Instructor Ratio
12 Lessons A Month
$25 Annual Registration Fee
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